Fido2 - Passwordless web“ - How a potential future can look like without passwords

Fido2 - Passwordless web“ - How a potential future can look like without passwords

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Friday, July 28, 2023 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM · 2 hr. (Europe/Vienna)
Workshop M1
Modern Web DevelopmentSecurity


We will give an introduction to the current authentication methods and their problems, leading to an introduction to a possible mitigation - "Fido2". In the practical part, we will try out fido2 by programming a sample application. If you want to participate yourself, you will need to bring your laptop and have a pre-installed: - Node LTS ( - A code editor of your choice (VSCode, IntelliJ, ...) - git - docker Otherwise you can group up with other participants or follow it on the screen.

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