How Manifest V3 Impacts Your Machine Learning Pipeline? Everything You Need to Know

How Manifest V3 Impacts Your Machine Learning Pipeline? Everything You Need to Know

Only 9 seats left
Thursday, July 27, 2023 1:15 PM to 3:15 PM · 2 hr. (Europe/Vienna)
Workshop M8
Modern Web Developmentother


Recent changes introduced by Manifest V3 (MV3) have impacted browser extension developers across the board, especially those dedicated to building ad-filtering solutions. As a company dedicated to fostering a fair and prosperous internet, and the pioneer in using machine learning for ad detection, it is imperative for us at eyeo to adapt our solutions to meet these changes and make them future-proof. During the course of the workshop, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of developing an end-to-end MV3-compliant ML Pipeline. We will discuss what the MV3 changes mean for ML Engineers and how we overcame the multitude of challenges in order to develop and deploy a machine learning model in the context of a web browser. Additionally, we will touch upon the best practices for compressing model binaries to a few KBs and striking the balance between inference latency and memory footprint while making real-time predictions. Finally, we will outline our future work in this domain.

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